How do you declutter an indoor garden?

You cannot deny the life-changing power of tidying up, whether you are a Marie Kondo convert or a minimalist declutterer. A clutter-free home leads to a clutter-free life, where keys are easily found, toys are always put away, and the household is much more manageable daily. 

Clutter, on the other hand, is not limited to the interior of a home. The spare room can quickly become a treasure trove of both useful and broken tools, and an indoor garden can become overrun with worn-down pots, rusted furniture, and plants that may have not had enough attention. None of this makes for a peaceful and tranquil indoor space. 

Indoor plants have been shown to improve mood. These plants are popular because they are easy to care for and provide some health benefits. Whether you have limited indoor space or simply want to make the most of what you have, these easy decluttering solutions are sure to inspire. 

How to Start the Garden Decluttering 

We understand that thorough garden tidying can appear to be an overwhelming and time-consuming task if you have left your garden to its own devices for a while. However, garden clean-ups do not have to be this way! To avoid this, try to maintain your garden as much as possible throughout the year. 

With an indoor garden, you are aware of the space that you have and how you need to maintain it, so it does not look or create a mess. The best place to start is with decluttering! Remove any unwanted or broken items from your garden. This can include broken tools, surplus materials, bricks, branches, greenery, and other items. You will be surprised at how much of a difference it can make. 

If you have out-of-season planters or tools that you may not need to use every day you can place them in your storage unit. Self Storage India, a storage renting company provides ample amount of space and can be easily accessible to customers. Not only are the units safe and have 24/7 surveillance they also ensure that your belongings are well-protected and maintained for as long as you would like to keep them there. 

You may ask why not just keep them at home. Well, you do not want to clutter up your precious indoor space. Placing your gardening tools like planters and hoses in storage also helps you ensure that you always have a beautiful space that you can enjoy! 

After you have done a thorough decluttering you can now focus on making your garden bright and healthy! 

Tips to Keep your Indoor Garden Healthy 

Staying on top of your greenery is important to ensure your indoor garden looks beautiful and peaceful. No one likes dead plants and there are some simple things to keep in mind if you want to keep your garden healthy:  

  • Pruning: 

Rather than neglecting your plants over the winter, make it a habit to do some garden maintenance on a regular basis. Deadheading old flowers, trimming, or pruning bushes and shrubs, and pulling weeds are all simple tasks that can make a significant difference in the appearance of your garden. 

  • Watering:  

Water, like light, is a crucial factor in growing healthy, flowering indoor plants.  Each plant has different water requirements. The key is to know how much to use. Avoid drowning or overwatering them. Watering frequently may leach nutrients from the soil of your indoor plants. It can, however, be replaced by regular fertilization. 

  • Keeping insects at bay: 

Insects such as Aphids, Scale, and Whiteflies can harm your plants. Inspect your plants on a regular basis if you notice any signs of insects or pests. This is especially important if your indoor plants are in the kitchen or bathroom areas.  

Finally, Create a Space that Brings You Joy 

We have all spent a lot of time at home in the past few years. If you or an elderly loved one are tired of the same four walls and furniture, it is time to make a “happy space” where you can escape. 

This should be a place that is not cluttered or chaotic. A bedroom, or a garden or spare room, makes an excellent calm space. 

Decorate your space with comfortable cushions, a chair, blankets, and plants.  Houseplants can help your de-stress, detox, and filter out chemicals from the air. If the garden is your happy place, you can surround a seating area with beautiful, scented flowers and a relaxing water feature. Keep it minimal but cozy. 

A bright, light environment is beneficial to your mental health. You want to enter your happy zone and immediately feel energised. Place large mirrors strategically to maximise natural light. If possible, paint it a soothing colour as well. 


Modern indoor garden ideas are ideal for small spaces because they come in a variety of shapes and sizes. These small garden designs are ideal for those who want to add some greenery to their home without spending a fortune. Whether you have limited outdoor space or simply want to make the most of what you have, these small garden ideas are sure to inspire. Just remember to keep your indoor garden clutter-free, healthy, and cozy. 


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