The Best Way for Organizing Your Paper and Documents

Paper clutter is one of the easiest to gather in the house or office. You don’t even realize it, and it creeps up on you. Documents, records, tax papers, project plans, forms, medical prescriptions, wedding cards- they keep accumulating season by season. And one day you look up to find yourself drowning in it, unable […]

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By Manjali Khosla | Last Updated: April 8, 2024 | 12 min read

Paper clutter is one of the easiest to gather in the house or office. You don’t even realize it, and it creeps up on you. Documents, records, tax papers, project plans, forms, medical prescriptions, wedding cards- they keep accumulating season by season. And one day you look up to find yourself drowning in it, unable to find that one sheet of paper that you require so urgently. Are you tired of sifting through stacks of papers and documents? Our blog post provides the best ways to organize your paper and documents.

The solution we suggest? Self storage. And it works like a charm. How?

Organize your paper and documents is crucial for staying on top of important information. Learn the best tips and tricks in this blog post.

You won’t have to go black and white. Throw or keep? No need to be all in or all out. If it’s not important right now, you can keep it in self-storage and retrieve it when it is needed.

So where do you start? With the Shri Ganesh step of all decluttering sessions: hauling out every document that you want to inspect during this process. This way you’ll have a clear idea of what you are dealing with it and will be able to formulate an appropriate course of action.

  • Begin sorting through the documents and categorizing them as ‘office stuff,’ ‘self-storage stuff,’ and ‘time to get rid of this’ stuff.
  • Once you’ve gone through the entire lot, sell off the ‘time to get rid of this’ pile to a kabadi waala. Organize the office pile properly on your desk and in your cabinets. And get ready to work more through the self-storage pile.
  • Categorize the documents to be stored in the facility on the basis of the access frequency, i.e. whether you will be accessing them frequently or pulling them out twice/ thrice a year. Those with higher access frequency will go at the front of the room/ locker that you choose.
  • Store these papers in a box, and label all your boxes clearly with relevant details like the type of paperwork they contain and any important dates. For business document storage this organization is vital. Within the cabinet or facility, too, arrange the boxes according to the year.
  • Take your papers to the facility in the best possible condition. Mold growth can cause quick damage. Hence, ensure all documents are dry. If possible, get any old, yellowed papers photocopied or printed again, so they are in the best shape for storage.
  • In the facility, documents should be stored on plastic pallets, so they are protected from any internal damage within the unit.

The papers in your office are valuable and can spell the entire past, present, and future of your organization. Hence, invest in self-storage solution and take a significant step towards thorough business document storage especially since tax season is here and you need to keep all records straight.

What are you waiting for now? Get document storage!

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