5 Step Guide to Decluttering Wardrobes

Decluttering your closet can be difficult for a variety of reasons. You may feel bad about throwing away clothes and shoes that you have not worn in a long time. However, you must be aware of what to discard and what to keep, or you will end up with so many clothes that you will […]

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By Manjali Khosla | Last Updated: December 30, 2022 | 12 min read

Decluttering your closet can be difficult for a variety of reasons. You may feel bad about throwing away clothes and shoes that you have not worn in a long time. However, you must be aware of what to discard and what to keep, or you will end up with so many clothes that you will not be able to keep track of them. 

Wardrobes in most homes are stacked with unwanted clothes, shoes and accessories, threatening to topple at any moment! Regularly wardrobe detox is therefore essential. It begins by emptying the entire contents and then meticulously segregating them. Experts recommend starting at the bottom shelf and working your way up while keeping the following in mind:  

1. Start the Process with Questions 

It is important to begin the decluttering process by asking yourself the following questions about each item in the closet: 

  • Do I like it? 
  • Do I wear it often? 
  • Does it match my current personality? 
  • Is the material comfortable? 
  • Is it pinching my toes? Is it possible to walk in these heels? 
  • Is it old or smelly or stained? 
  • Is it beyond repair? 

Be a harsh critic. If necessary, enlist the help of a friend or family member to tell you if something is not right for you. Because closet space is limited, do not waste it on something you do not love. 

2. Donate, Throw Away or Repurpose 

As we grow, we also start to outgrow certain items of clothing, shoes or accessories. To ensure that you do not have clothing that no longer fits or compliments your style you need to try them on first. Then you can start by separating the clothing stacks – ones you intend to keep, one you intend to donate, and one that is too old and worn to be used. Put the ones you are giving away in a box and distribute them as soon as possible. Those that will be thrown away must be placed in trash bags and disposed of. Get organizers and hangers to help arrange your remaining clothes in a way that looks good and is also easy to track eventually. 

Make it easier to declutter your wardrobe by keeping a donation bin, bag, or basket in your closet always if possible. This allows you to declutter your closet and discard items you no longer want as you come across them. 

3. Go Through your Seasonal Clothes 

A resident of Delhi is quite often known to own a few coats, warm socks, and other winter wear to brace for the colder months. These clothes do not need to be in your closet all year round. The best way to save space and make sure you are not hoarding clothes is to place them in a self-storage. You can make the most of your wardrobe space by making sure the clothes you do not wear, such as woolly sweaters do not remain hanging in your closet all year round! It is also encouraged to go through your winter wear ahead of the season to ensure the clothes fit right and if they do not add them to your donation basket.  

4. Declutter your Closet regularly 

If you want to be ruthless when decluttering your wardrobe, declutter it often. You will be willing and able to let go of a little more each time you declutter. 

Not only will you prove to yourself that having a smaller, simplified wardrobe has advantages and makes life easier, but it will also help you declutter more. However, realizing that you do not miss any of the clothes you got rid of may encourage you to get rid of even more. 

Decluttering your home can be a tiring business but once it is done you will feel an undeniable sense of peace. Make your living space a clutter-free zone and see how much better life is. 

5. Use Professional Organizers 

Professional organizers and decluttering experts are becoming increasingly popular worldwide, particularly in the aftermath of the pandemic and lockdowns, which caused people to spend more time at home. Professional organizers help clients tidy their homes while talking them through the process via video calls. 

Professionals can help you tackle your closet and other areas of your home. Prachi Chowla, a former chartered accountant, founded Smiling Spaces, a Bengaluru-based decluttering and organizing service. Gayatri Gandhi, the founder of Joy Factory and the first certified KonMari Consultant in India, is among the professionals who can help start your decluttering journey. 

Clutter vies for one’s attention. When you are in a hurry, even something as simple as looking for your car keys can be stressful. As a result, Gayatri believes that decluttering and organizing can have a significant impact on our mental and physical health. “It allows you to concentrate on tasks that you want to complete.” It is a method of exerting control over your surroundings. “When we take a positive action, such as organizing or decluttering a cupboard or a shelf, we feel more in control, which is very reassuring,” says Gayatri. 

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